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How to request a refund?

Click on your profile picture in the top right corner of the home page.

Click on the Refund and you will see "co-subscribers refund"

Click on "Refund".

Fill up this page.

After you submit this refund, if it is the first time you ask for refund for this subscription, it will be confirmed by subscription owner. There are two conditions after you summit refund request.

When your subscription owner refuse to refund, you can have a talk with him/her in the group chat. However, When you and your subscription owner cannot reach an agreement, you can submit a request for platform intervention on this page.

GOSPLIT will handle your refund request and make a final decision based on the evidence provided. You can also submit additional evidence on this page.

When your subscription owner haven`t deal with your refund over 48 hours, the money will be automatically refunded to your GOSPLIT wallet.

If you have any question on REFUND,please check[ In what condition I can ask for a refund?](

Updated on: 05/09/2023

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