How to Share a Subscription?
Information you must know:
There are two type of sharing here: 1. Username and password 2 share links
Before you subscribe on Gosplit, please tap

Share a subscription
Click on the "+Share a subscrption" next to the profile picture in the top right corner of the home page.
Select the subscription you want to share.
Select the plan that matches your subscription.
Indicate how many slots you wish to share.
Select if you are going to public your subscription
Public means your share will be shown to others,and Keep hidden means this share can be shown only if you share the links to your friend and can be seen by others.
If the subscription is a password sharing, the new co-subscriber will automatically have access to the credentials you have entered.
Please make sure the credential you have submitted is correct, or, we will hide your shared subscription to others to make sure the good experience of other co-subscribers.
Please re-submit your password on CREDENTIALS page when you change your password.
If the subscription works by invitation link (Ex: YouTube), you will have to invite each new co-subscriber with the email address he will send you through the group chat.
Please check your email or log in Gosplit frequently.If you don't answer co-subscirbers over 48 hours, we will change the state of your sharing to Keep hidden, which means your sharing can not be seen by others.If you don't know how to invite your co-subscribers into your family group, please go to the subscription details page and look at the top of this page to find the method of invite members to your family group. You can send help to our online customer service, too.
Do not exchange your personal contact information, such as email or WhatsApp in the group, as it may affect your personal rights and interests.
Updated on: 05/09/2023
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